
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When you give God a dream…

He gives you

The begining


In bus barn




Beautifully Orchestrated Masterpiece.

Building a house in a week was the challenge.  Ms. Mattie was the reason.  College students and adults from vastly different careers and majors came together for one goal above all others.  Spreading God’s glory and love. 

I was reminded last week that God’s glory and love cannot be spread by the mere individual.  It takes painters, screwdrivers, sawers, wood cutters, wood carriers, yard workers, house cleaners, decorators, food providers, drink providers, errand runners, water drainers, roofers, tile(ers), tile cutters, tile carriers, wheelchair ramp builders, landscapers, and So MANY MORE!     

It takes a community of individuals coming together to unselfishly contribute whatever they can for the cause of Christ.  Whether it is carrying wood or picking up scraps, when it is added and multiplied through Christ the masses will be fed, blind will see, deaf will hear, and houses will be built in a week! : )     

To God Be The Glory!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blitz Build Spring Break 2011

James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

When I think of what a group of college students and so many adult helpers are doing during this week of Spring Break, that is the first thing that pops into my head.  College students, choosing to pay money,and spend their whole week getting up at the crack of dawn to go build a new house for a widow in need.  

Miss Mattie is a sweet friend that we have made by visiting her home and having the privilege of sitting and talking with her.  She is confined to a wheel chair and her house is in no shape for living in.  This video says it all in the dryly humorous way that only Duane Dixon is capable of : )

Duane had the vision for building this house.  Despite his history as a contractor, there are many concerns for a project of this magnitude.  He did not shy away at the cost, time constraints, or needed resources.  He knows our God is bigger than all of those things.  He and a team of skilled men put the walls together in a “bus barn” outside our church.  Foundation has been laid and the house is ready to go up.  A team of college students from the surrounding area and Montgomery have assembled to be a part of the Blitz build team.     

Tomorrow at 6:30 am the fun will begin!  If the God of the universe created the world in seven days (yes, while the length of those days may be up for debate) surely, through his power we can put a house together in five!

Updates to come…

To God be the Glory!